Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cuban Missle Crisis

During the Cold War Russia and the United States had an arm race. This was a race to see who had the best nuclear weapons. Russia was way behind the US to win the arm race. In 1962 Russia's Premier Nikita Khrushchev made a plan to create an installation in Cuba so that the missile would be able to reach the US. Fidel Castro agreed with this plan of the Russians. In the summer of that very year the Russians began to make the installation secretly so that the US would not find out about it.
How ever on October 15, 1962 the US received photographs of the secret base. The very next day President John F Kennedy made the announcement of the base in Cuba. He got advise for what to do from 12 advisors. He blockaded the ships that went to Cuba to send supplies to make the base. Nikita would tell his commanders to get the missiles ready. How ever on October 26, 1962 he announced that he would be taking out the base from Cuba.
The Cuban missile crisis was considered the hottest moment in the Cold War because it was the closest to having a nuclear war.

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