Friday, April 27, 2007

African Indepence

Africa would be having a hard time to gain their independence. The European inperalist would not want to give the African countries independence. They wanted them for their natural resources. It was not until World War 2 in which some African people would be sent to Europe to help out in the War. There in Europe the Africans realized that the Europeans were not as strong as they appeared to be.
After World War 2 the Europeans realized that the cost of keeping their colonies in Africa was to much. The Europeans were ready to give up the power to the African people. However they did not know how they would be able to give the power to the African people.
Some leaders of the African movement for freedom were Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Zaire. Kwame Nkrumah was the leader of the Ghana. Jomo Kenyatta was leader of Kenya. Lastly Zaire was leader of the Congo.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

9th Grade Review- Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution happened long ago. In the Neolithic Revolution the Nomads learned to settle in one place to keep from having to move from place to place. The Nomads would haunt and gather food. Part of the Neolithic Revolution was the changes in the way they got their food. The Nomads began to plant seeds. The seed would grow so they had no reason to move from place to place to gather grains, vegetables and fruit. They also would domesticate their animals. Domesticating the animal was easier then haunting them.
The Neolithic people would leave close to river and water, so they could get water to drink, bath, clean, and water the crops. Also they would use the waters for means of transporting themselves from one place to the next.
The Neolithic people also sit up a government. The Neolithic Revolution of the beginning of a modern civilization.

The European Union

Some of the european countries were having war with each other. There were a lot of life being lost. Some of the European countries leaders wanted a way to end the fight. So then they created the European Union. The European Union is an alliance of 25 nations. It became another superpower.
The European Union became a superpower because of the political and economical systems. People that would travel were able to travel from country to country without having to have their passaport check in each broader of the country. People in which would live in a country from the EU would be allowed to work for another country that was in the EU. The EU would prevent any more wars from happening between European countries.

Film Lesson "The Right Stuff"

In the movie "The Right Stuff" the competeing of Russia and US was shown by showing the Space race they were having. At the first the Russians were winning the space race. They were the first to lanuch the a spacecraft to outer space. Also they were first to send a man to space and make him come back safely to Earth.
One event that I would remember was when the man would run to the building and tell the men what the Russians did and the other men would say we know. Also the scenes shown of the Russians. The scene that I remember the most was the scene when the US broke the sound barrier.

Cuban Missle Crisis

During the Cold War Russia and the United States had an arm race. This was a race to see who had the best nuclear weapons. Russia was way behind the US to win the arm race. In 1962 Russia's Premier Nikita Khrushchev made a plan to create an installation in Cuba so that the missile would be able to reach the US. Fidel Castro agreed with this plan of the Russians. In the summer of that very year the Russians began to make the installation secretly so that the US would not find out about it.
How ever on October 15, 1962 the US received photographs of the secret base. The very next day President John F Kennedy made the announcement of the base in Cuba. He got advise for what to do from 12 advisors. He blockaded the ships that went to Cuba to send supplies to make the base. Nikita would tell his commanders to get the missiles ready. How ever on October 26, 1962 he announced that he would be taking out the base from Cuba.
The Cuban missile crisis was considered the hottest moment in the Cold War because it was the closest to having a nuclear war.

Monday, April 16, 2007

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

NATO and the Warsaw pact were both alliences to help back up countries. The countries that were part of the NATO were North America, and some countries in Europe. For the Warsaw pact there were Russia and Easterned Europe. If one of the countries would be in dangered the other countries in the alliences would have their back. They wanted Mutal defense. The NATO felt threatened by Russias communist ways.
The Warsaw Pact was made in response for the NATO. The Russians wanted to have other countries to back them up. They took over the countries next to Russia. The countries were called the Satellite Conuntries.